SOURCE: Jill Houser, Freshplaza Australian lychee growers were fortunate the season had just finished before the widespread rain and flooding that impacted Queensland and New South Wales, meaning that while properties were affected, all the fruit had been picked for the year. In late February and early March, heavy rainContinue Reading

SOURCE: Liam O’Callaghan, Fruitnet The Australian lychee industry has identified North America as a key market in its plans to develop exports. The industry has been able to maintain its trans-Pacific supply chain throughout the pandemic with the help of the Australian government’s International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM) programme. ThisContinue Reading

SOURCE: Vietnam+ When the lychee harvest time of 2021 came, Bac Giang was still a COVID-19 epicentre with thousands of infection cases. Striving to concurrently fight against the pandemic and promote lychee sale, this northern province took flexible and creative measures to secure a successful crop. A lychee crop withContinue Reading

SOURCE: Vietnam News The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has granted a Geographical Indication (GI) certificate to lychees grown in Lục Ngạn District in the northern province of Bắc Giang, making it the first Vietnamese product to obtain the certificate in Japan, according to the provincial newsContinue Reading

SOURCE: Nhan Dan Vietnam earned US$3.26 billion from exporting fruit and vegetables in 2020, a year-on-year decline of 13%, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has reported. Exports were down because many items with high export value saw volumes fall sharply, such as dragon fruit, which accounts forContinue Reading

SOURCE: Vietnam Plus Bac Giang province has worked with the Plant Protection Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and exporting enterprises to prepare documents, conduct surveys, and issue codes for a planting area of 50 hectares of “thieu” litchi, for export to Japan. On harvest day, ViContinue Reading

SOURCE: CGTN Shabei Town in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region enjoys natural advantage of sunshine and rainfall – favorable for fruits. Though the humid town is endowed with abundant natural resources, the local government had difficulties finding a suitable crop to plant to help poor families before 2015. AfterContinue Reading