China has become Malaysia’s new international market for the premium pineapple variety, MD2, following the durian’s success in penetrating the country last May.   Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Deputy Minister Sim Tze Tzin said with this new market, the ministry is confident of achieving RM350 million in total pineapple exportsContinue Reading

The Agriculture and Agro-based Ministry (MOA) hopes that durian entrepreneurs and planters can escalate durian-based agro-tourism activities before the 2020 Visit Malaysia Year (VMY2020).   MOA deputy minister Sim Tze Tzin said Malaysian durians had received various recognition worldwide and it should be used as a form of tourist attraction.Continue Reading

Government officials are holding discussions with China on exporting Malaysia’s honey jackfruit and swiftlet nests following the successful export of frozen whole musang king durians and MD2 pineapples to that country.   Agriculture minister Salahuddin Ayub said procedures and protocols were being prepared by the ministry for the export ofContinue Reading