SOURCE: Vietnam News Vietnamese enterprises shipped around 500 tonnes of goods, including coffee, instant noodles, sweet potato, cabbage, pineapple, watermelon, and dragon fruit, to Singapore in March, according to the Vietnamese Trade Office in Singapore. The encouraging performance amid the COVID-19 pandemic was mainly thanks to the office’s efforts inContinue Reading

Original source: Jon Viktor Cabuenas, GMA News Cecid fly infestation threatens the yield of the supposedly “sweetest mango” in the world, even as Philippine government researchers are in the thick of finalizing their studies on how to address the problem caused by the bug. Secretary William Dar has ordered UndersecretaryContinue Reading

Original source: Avocado producers from Casma in the Ancash region are very concerned about the stoppage of mango and avocado exports to China due to the health crisis that the coronavirus has caused in the country. The president of the Farmers Association from Casma, Rafael Santolalla Coral, stated thatContinue Reading

In an incredible act of generosity, a Queensland man is opening his orchard, donating his bumper crop of more than 200,000 mangoes to local charities and drought-affected communities.   Brian Burton never planned on becoming a mango farmer, but when he purchased Lake Barra Cottages between Gympie and Tin CanContinue Reading

Bad weather conditions here are negatively impacting the production of mangoes and causing a lot of anxiety as the summer season draws near, specially because the fruit is considered a signature product of the province.   Zambales Provincial Agriculture head Russel Quitaneg said that research data showed a significant dropContinue Reading