SOURCE: Zulfiqar Kunbhar, The Third Pole Massive monsoon flooding has followed a severe drought in Pakistan’s Sindh province, with experts saying that climate change is making farming ‘more challenging every passing day’ The majority of Pakistan’s second-most populous and agriculture-dependent province of Sindh was declared “calamity-hit” on 23 August. WithContinue Reading

SOURCE: Pakistan Observer China-Pak mango cooperation will give impetus to king of fruit industry, according to a report published by China Economic Net (CEN) on Sunday. There is a dire need for joint ventures with China for establishing quality enhancement centres, fruit processing units, dehydration plants, drip irrigation and coldContinue Reading

The joint extensive efforts by All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters Association (PFVA), Department of Plant Production (DPP) serving under the Federal Ministry of National Food Security and Research and Ministry of Commerce, have paved the way for Pakistan’s huge revenue generation from the important international market of Kenya inContinue Reading

SOURCE: Zulfiqar Kunbhar, Arab News HYDERABAD, Sindh: Scientists in Pakistan’s southeast Sindh province have begun extracting fiber from banana waste in what textile industry stakeholders and farmers hope could become an alternative to cotton. Banana fiber is one of the strongest natural fibers. Biodegradable and similar to bamboo fiber, itContinue Reading

SOURCE: Daily Times For the first time, Pakistan Customs has processed a consignment of export of fresh mangoes (White Chaunsa) from Pakistan to Russia under the Convention on Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR), or International Road Transports. According to a press statement issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) onContinue Reading

SOURCE: Emanuela Fontana, Freshplaza Banana fruits infected with rot disease were collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. The observed symptoms were dry, decayed, sunken lesions with dark grey to greenish in color, damaging quality of the fruit. Scientists at University of the Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan) have isolated theContinue Reading