Ріnеаррlе іѕ а nеw сrор thаt іѕ bеіng ‘grооmеd’ tо bесоmе аn іmроrtаnt ѕесоnd сrор fоr сіtruѕ аnd оthеr fаrmеrѕ іn thе Ѕtаnn Сrееk Vаllеу аnd nоrthеrn Тоlеdо dіѕtrісt. Вut іѕ іt роѕѕіblе fоr ріnеаррlе tо bесоmе thе “Quееn оf thе Ѕоuth” аnd hоld іtѕ оwn аlоngѕіdе thе сіtruѕ іnduѕtrу.Continue Reading

SOURCE: SA People News Alcohol consumers in South Africa are getting plastered on pineapples after the nationwide alcohol ban in lockdown sparked a craze of turning the tropical fruit into powerful home-brew. Supermarket bosses have revealed that 10 times as many pineapples are being sold at TWICE the price sinceContinue Reading

Source: Annika Durinck, Freshplaza  The International Pineapple Organization is a market driven organization with the purpose of bringing together the minds of the pineapple industry. They encompass the whole of the pineapple sector – each step of the supply chain for fresh, cut, and dehydrated pineapple as well as pineappleContinue Reading