The Taiwanese food giant joins the government’s banana price stabilization initiative and will buy a total of 200 tons of bananas to tackle unreasonable low prices.   Following a Taiwanese food giant’s announcement to procure 100 tons of bananas from local banana growers struggling with low prices, the Council ofContinue Reading

On 25 September 2017, The Fijian Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with Taiwan Technical Mission introduced the Green Pearl guava variety to the local market. Minister Inia Seruiratu of the Ministry of Agriculture Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management officially launched the variety.     “Daily consumption ofContinue Reading

Taiwan Technical Mission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, natural Resources and Co-operatives of Saint Lucia held the Pineapple Production Workshop in Roseau on November 14th, 2017. More than 50 farmers and extension officers attended the event to learn new agricultural know-how to increase pineapple production. Pineapple isContinue Reading