SOURCE: Lominda Afedraru, Monitor Tagging products with barcodes for easy price retrieval in supermarkets is a regular practice. But beyond supermarkets, barcodes can be employed across a whole spectrum of settings, including by scientists in their research. The accelerated breeding better banana project has developed and deployed a fully operationalContinue Reading

Hannington Abaasa, a resident of Kisalosalo zone in Kyebando, a suburb of Kampala says that it takes patience and endurance to survive in the business. He wakes up very early in the morning and goes to different markets in Kampala city where he usually buys pineapples. At the markets, he buys pineapples at different prices depending on the size and appearance.Continue Reading

Source: URN, The Independent Pineapple farmers in Masaka district are stuck with their farm produces as their export market shrinks. The most affected are farmers in the sub-counties of Kyannamukaaka, Kyesiiga and Buwunga who are struggling to find market for their ripe pineapples with some already rotting in the plantations.Continue Reading