SOURCE: Nhan Dan Vietnam earned US$3.26 billion from exporting fruit and vegetables in 2020, a year-on-year decline of 13%, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has reported. Exports were down because many items with high export value saw volumes fall sharply, such as dragon fruit, which accounts forContinue Reading

SOURCE: Vietnam Plus Bac Giang province has worked with the Plant Protection Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and exporting enterprises to prepare documents, conduct surveys, and issue codes for a planting area of 50 hectares of “thieu” litchi, for export to Japan. On harvest day, ViContinue Reading

SOURCE: The Star The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted local agricultural products and exports, especially to China, disrupting agricultural value chains and posing risks to farming households. According to Dr Đào Thế Anh, deputy director of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the most affected agricultural products are fresh fruits, vegetablesContinue Reading

SOURCE: Saigon News Online Strengthening the connection with overseas Vietnamese businesses in the US is seen as a good opportunity to link and develop distribution channels of specialty products of Vietnam in general, and the Mekong Delta, in particular, to a potential market like the US. According to Mr. BuiContinue Reading

SOURCE: BW Businessworld Vietnamese Ambassador to India Pham Sanh Chau has urged the Indian government to create favourable conditions, remove tariff and non-tariff barriers, and simplify administrative procedures in order to facilitate the two countries’ access to each other’s markets. During a virtual seminar, “Fruits and food: New trade opportunitiesContinue Reading