Fruit and vegetable exports, which have been growing at around 15 per cent annually for the past five years, are a highly attractive business activity for enterprises, which are increasingly investing in large and modern processing plants.   Long An Province-based Lavifood Joint Stock Company earlier this month put intoContinue Reading

Confirming information about China’s plan to expand dragonfruit growing area to 30,000 hectares by 2020, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Xuan Cuong yesterday said that Vietnam is not too concerned about that.     The dragonfruit production areas in China’s Hainan and Guangxi provinces have reached 20,000 hectaresContinue Reading

Blockchain technology is expected to enhance agricultural exports by providing a global trading identity, speakers at a blockchain conference held in HCM City said yesterday.   Lê Thu Hiền, programme manager for the Asia Foundation Office in Việt Nam, said: “The ‘Empowering Local Agricultural Producers with a Global Trading Identity’Continue Reading

After nine years of negotiations, good news came to Vietnam’s agriculture sector in September when dragon fruit hit shelves in Australia, making the country the first to be licensed to export fresh dragon fruit to the stringent market.   It represented a milestone in local dragon fruit conquering the world.Continue Reading