


Project Collaborators
------------------------- THE COMMON FUND FOR COMMODITIES (CFC) -------------------------

Organisational Profile


Common Fund for Commodities is a partnership of 107 Member States. The European Community (EC), the African Union (AU), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) are institutional members. The latest institutional members are: Andean Community, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), and the East African Community. Membership is also open to Members States of the United Nations, its specialised agencies; and the International Atomic Energy Agency, in addition to intergovernmental and regional economic integration organisations, which exercise competence within the purview of activities overseen by the Fund.

The Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities [CFC] was adopted on 27 June 1980 in Geneva , by the United Nations Negotiating Conference on a Common Fund under the Integrated Programme for Commodities. The Agreement entered into force on 19 June 1989 . A copy of the Agreement is available in PDF.


About the CFC


The Common Fund for Commodities is an intergovernmental financial institution established within the framework of the United Nations.


Objectives, Resources and Main Activities


The Common Fund's mandate seeks to enhance the socio-economic development of commodity producers and to contribute towards development of society in general. In line with its market-oriented approach, the Fund finances commodity development projects from its own resources, which are voluntary contributions, capital subscriptions by Member Countries transferred to the Second Account and from interest earned.

Financial Contributions
Whereas voluntary contributions can be used for either grants or loans, the capital from the Second Account can only be applied for loan-financing of projects. The capital from the First Account is an endowment fund, and cannot to be used directly. Through co-operation with other development institutions, the private sector and civil society, the Common Fund endeavours to achieve positive impact and overall efficiency commodity development.

Commodity Focus
The Common Fund operates under the novel approach of commodity focus instead of the traditional country-cetric format. This entails concentrating on the overall general problems relative to specific commodities in developing countries, especially the least developed countries.


Governing Bodies


The governing bodies of the Common Fund are its Governing Council and the Executive Board. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Fund and the Chairman of the Executive Board. The Consultative Committee, composed of thirteen independent experts, on technical and economic aspects of projects submitted to the Fund, is an advisory body for the Executive Board. The Governing Council meets once a year and the Executive Board and Consultative Committee meet biannually.




The Headquarters of the Common Fund are located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The Secretariat is small and there are no regional offices.

Common Fund for Commodities
Stadhouderskade 55
1072AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
P.O.Box 74656 ,
1070 BR Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: (31 20) 575 4949
Fax: (31 20) 676 0231
Website: www.common-fund.org

-------------------- INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL FRUITS NETWORK (TFNet) ---------------------
International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet) is an independent global network set up under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations. It is both an intergovernmental and inter-institutional organisation established to promote sustainable development of the tropical fruit industry globally in relation to production, consumption, processing, marketing and international trade.

Objectives of TFNet:


•  To serve as repository and exchange of information on production, processing, marketing, consumption and international trade of tropical fruits;

•  To promote, co-ordinate and support research and development, and transfer of technologies in production and post-harvest handling including downstream processing for industrial use so as to increase productivity and value;

•  To facilitate the expansion of international trade of tropical fruits;

•  To enhance human resource development;

•  To organise generic market promotion in collaboration with exporters and importers and strengthening consumer knowledge of the nutritional value of tropical fruits;

•  To sensitize to and facilitate implementation of international and regional agreements on production, marketing, consumption and international trade of tropical fruits; and

•  To promote technical and economic exchanges in the tropical fruits sector in pursuance of sustainable production, strengthening of domestic market, poverty eradication, and food security.


Core Business of TFNet


•  Information Exchange

•  Consultancy Services

•  Promotion of International Trade and Marketing

•  Technology Transfer

•  Training

•  Post-harvest Handling

•  Processing

•  Nutrition and Human Health


TFNet Membership:


Country Membership

Country membership is open to all member countries of the FAO who are signatories to the Agreement on the Establishment of the International Tropical Fruits Network or who has acceded to the said Agreement.

Associate Membership

Associate membership is open to any international, regional or national organisation, institute, association or business entity in both the public and private sectors that can contribute positively to the objectives and operations of TFNet.

Ordinary Membership

Ordinary membership is open to any individual or non-profit organisation that can contribute positively to the objectives and operations of TFNet.




The Secretariat of TFNet is located in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia . It has no regional offices.

International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet)
Box 334 , UPM Post Office
43400 Sedang, Selangor

Tel: +603-8941 6589
Fax: +603-8941 6591
Website: www.itfnet.org
Email: info@itfnet.org


Project Collaborators:

Common Fund for Commodities (CFC)
